poniedziałek, 29 stycznia 2024

10. Important information regarding the High Priests of Joy of Satan

 10. Important information regarding the High Priests of Joy of Satan

/Just an alert for anyone unrelated to this topic and hearing about Joy of Satan for the first time: I use uncensored swear words here and my language is much rougher than usual. I simply considered it necessary, considering the topic discussed here, so if you think that you could be offended by such language and you have no idea about Joy of Satan, I advise against further reading../

(((Continuation and addition: post below)))

I will try to make it as short as possible, because there is no point in making it too long, so that you can understand what is going on and who you are dealing with, especially if you have encountered ancient-forums.com, or even if you are its member. But even if you're just starting to discover Satanism thanks to me, I think it's good for you to learn this truth.

Let me start by saying that I understand that as fans of Joy of Satan, my previous personal comments towards the High Priests may have seemed strange and incomprehensible. Personally, when I started studying this PDF "Spiritual Satanism" (the "JoS" which I am attaching here, as an extension and supplement to some of the issues I described), High Priestess Maxine Dietrich was my Idol Number 1. I simply adored this woman... What truth, some things didn't quite add up to me and at the very beginning, when I asked my beloved Astarte "Are they writing only the truth with this Nazism?", she replied, in line with my suspicions, "not entirely...".

{Now I will describe to you a certain sequence of events which, although not of great importance in the merits of the case, were necessary for me to see with my eyes. Yes, it seems to me that if it weren't for what you are about to read, I would still be blinded by the splendor of their majesty, and therfore I could understand who they really are.}

Then some things happened with my participation in the circle of Polish Satanists (and people interested in Satanism/occultism) with me being accused of "pedophilia" in the background... Of course, I never had anything on my conscience regarding children, but I was always burdened by this sick situation that I can't be myself and have to pretend to be someone else, which is why I sometimes confided my thoughts to some people. As for the details of this accusation, how it happened and who was involved, as well as presenting my version of events, I do not is a topic in any way related to this chapter. Besides, although I am not ashamed of what happened then and I have nothing to hide, I'm sorry, but I simply don't want to dig into it anymore... (If necessary, I will, of course, refer to those events carefully and in detail, but I don't see it at the moment...)

Then I wrote to Hooded Cobra about my doubts and ideas regarding the "Destroy Nazarene" Ritual, which we once did on JoS. Some time ago he wrote about it in one of his posts{*} (I know it was about me because Astarte confirmed it to me) that I "harassed" him and from the content of this post it seemed that I should be grateful to him that he didn't curse me then... (This "harassment" was about five times, maybe six e-mails, I don't remember exactly, but I certainly sent less than ten in total to his e-mail address.)


 {*Although there were many more of them, such as the one that I don't remember the exact title of, but it was called something like this: "Concerning infiltrators, traitors and everyone who doesn't lick the boots of me and Maxine." From what I remember, there was a suggestion that "perverts are also trying to undermine the authority of JoS." But it was removed when Shanon included a mocking innuendo in the subtext of her statement that "of course we all have to be active except Maxine." Personally, I'm embarrassed by Maxine's current burying her head in the sand, but whatever... It's actually a minor detail. And the rest of the malice, allusions and threats addressed to me in the subtext of his posts, there is no point in even mentioning them, because it would be a waste of my nerves and time.}

When that situation arose and I wrote to him in such a desperate tone (naively hoping for some support) that [they accuse me of pedophilia, but I have nothing on my conscience and I am absolutely against the sexual abuse of children], he did not reply to me privately, he only wrote "On Pedophilia"{*}.. And not only did he not say anything to my face (or even in my e-mail), but he talked about me like a trader at a market with one of the Polish Satanists. In fact, I am even somewhat grateful to him today, because whenever I had very difficult moments in my development and was close to giving up, I reminded myself: "He is deceived to a large extent and he is a Gibbson" (this is a jargon term for pests in the circle of Satanists from JoS), or "You know what that disgusting creature just told me? -That he's a fucking pedophile -and I wanted back right away... Thanks to him, I know that NOTHING motivates as much as hatred.

{*Such a shitty mainstream argument, differing from what is written in the press only by spiritual "evidence" for the "lack of sexual energy in children", which I don't even want to mention here. (find it if you want...) Let me just make a small digression: Maxine once wrote how the enemy uses part of the truth to mix it with his lies to make them seem credible... So I would like to ask Cobra how he deal with this is and what he felt when he CONSCIOUSLY mixed Satan's words with mainstream nonsense regarding pedophilia and (a)sexuality of children, and which he "validated" with his authority and pseudo-spiritual conclusions...? That's all I have to say on this subject.}

Now I'll get to the point. The High Priests present at JoS  belong to the Thule society. This is the occult society that created Nazism, brought Hitler to power, created the entire symbolism of the Third Reich{*}, manipulated Hitler all the time{**}, and later controlled the Odessa organization, which helped many Nazis escape to South America.

{*Although mainly Satanic, but it is due to the actions of some Nazis that nowadays the Swastika and other important spiritual symbols of people are associated with "evil" and are banned in most countries.}

{**For me, the clear proof of this is the fact that when the Reich was already falling into ruins and Hitler wanted to bury everything with himself, involving children, women and the elderly in the war, he simultaneously issued the Klauzewitz alarm, which allowed the entire  civilian administration of the SS to be evacuated. (mainly men in their prime) from Berlin...}

I assure you that Satan and all the Gods behind Him are not and have never been Nazis, which They themselves will tell you if you ask in Tarot cards, through a Ouija board, or if you are already able to communicate with Them. However, Satan accepted their actions to a certain extent, both in the 1930s, when it was necessary to save the world from Bolshevism{*}, and today, at the very beginning of JoS's existence. However, currently Satan and the Gods behind him firmly distance themselves from this whoredom, from this "Nazi mutual admiration club" created by Hooded Cobra, which in Satan's idea was to be a place of LEARNING SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT so that humanity could commune with its Gods again! –This information is mainly for new development adepts, so that you have no doubts about the position of the Gods towards Nazism.


 {*For everyone who only knows the mainstream version of history, I will mention the important fact that the "Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact" was actually a tactical move on both sides and that Hitler did not betray Stalin at all, but beat him by AT LEAST two weeks. That the Red Army then consisted of about five million paratroopers, several thousand light landing planes and had a ready plan to flood Europe with these soldiers like locusts... And although once Hooded Cobra wrote that this is nonsense, it is true that European Jews ( bankers; mainly of Jewish origin) helped Hitler come to power, as well as build the power of the Reich (loans - this is the whole secret of this "Hitler's economic genius"), because they were much more afraid of Stalin and his Red Army than of the Nazis... (And later they used it in their own way...) You can think what you want about Hitler, but objective historians, experts in the events of that period unanimously state that, summa summarum, Hitler saved Europe from the locusts that were erased from the official pages of history and which would have reversed us to the Middle Ages, or even the Stone Age... That's why Stalin had to give up so much land before he counterattacked, because his ultra-offensive army was incapable of any defense against Blitzkrieg at all.}

As for modern times, Satan simply knew that among Nazi sympathizers he would find the most people interested in occultism/spiritual development and willing to spiritually fight our enemies, who constitute its first front. That's why at first he didn't interfere at all when His High Priests praised Nazism as an "ideal state", wrote that it was "political Satanism" (which is nonsense) and made Hitler their super-spiritual "Antichrist".. However, at some point Satan and the Gods told them "Enough..." - they explained to them that in order for Satanism to continue gaining new members, they simply had to stop this nonsense and admit and account for it among the members of the community they had created.

That was about four years ago.

They didn't like it, but not because of pride or anything like that, but these opportunists were afraid of losing face among the Satanists who worshiped them. Then Hooded Cobra came up with a plan of action, which his Thule colleagues agreed to. (They have always been Thule rather than Satanists.) If the enemy has managed to replace Satan with Jehovah and the (Man) Son of Satan with Jesus for centuries, then they, being spiritually stronger than the enemy, will succeed in the same, replacing Satan with "their own version of Satan." ” (those who will tell about Him and similarly with the other Gods), and in place of the Son of Satan they will introduce their own Antichrist, Adolf Hitler, who is currently only in the form of a thought-form, i.e. what Jesus always was.

This is the reason why, at this point, basically no [practical advice on the Eightfold Path] appears on their ancient-forums.com {*} This is also the reason why for two years {**} there has been no in the schedules, no Rituals for Satan and Demons (I mainly mean the "Demon Power", if you remember...), no vibration of Their Names and only the constant "meditate", "meditation this, meditation that..."{***} And the worst thing in my opinion is that EVEN on Satan's Day since this BETRAYAL there is NOTHING offered to Satan Himself other than a false "Hail Satan!" at the end of each post...

{*It is true that Mageson, some time ago, shared some interesting information quite often, it's just a pity that they were mainly for advanced users (who, like me, can use the Demons' tips and need less help), but he was still "somehow "silenced..}

{**The complete removal of Satan and Demons from JoS Rituals takes a little less time than the betrayal itself, because at the beginning they tried to play on two fronts. They hoped that by spamming "Demon Power" (a very important Ritual for strengthening our bond with the Gods, because it reverses the curse that destroyed this bond) and this licky runic "Ritual of Honoring Satan" (On Jule, Satan prefers you do "Demon Power", and not this one) on His Day, they will simply "appease" the Gods and They will finally agree to leave Nazism and "Hitler-Antichrist" alone. But as time passed, the situation became more and more tense, the Gods no longer wanted to talk to them at all (despite Thule's strenuous attempts to convince Them that "they had no other choice...") and finally decided that if they wanted to keep their position, , titles, influence (…), then they must go all the way.}


 {***I think with concern and anger about especially new JoS members who, based on these tips, probably "meditate" a little every day and think that they are heading to Magnum Opus... That's why I always say SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT and SPIRITUAL EXERCISES, because Meditation is indeed two important and indispensable aspects of development, but when it comes to simply increasing your power/bioelectricity, it is the LEAST IMPORTANT of these eight. And although Hooded Cobra has written many posts on spirituality and one cannot fault their logical correctness (apart from constantly calling development "meditation"), of his over 5,000 eloquent posts, I recognize ONLY ONE sentence for practical application in development - " do more Solar/Lunar and AUM.” Yes, it's a valuable comment, but it's ONLY ONE SENTENCE IN HIS ENTIRE CAREER OF ENDLESS ELOCENT THOUGHTS, LEADING YOU TO NOWHERE!!!}

As for Hitler himself, I can understand the JoS members' respect and sympathy for him. I also know that he was not half as bad as the official historical propaganda makes him out to be. But I know that he was not at all the ideal that he is currently portrayed by Hooded Cobra and the rest of the company. However, their most blatant lie regarding the Fuhrer was the completion of Magnum Opus. If you have even the faintest idea about spirituality and look at last film photos of Hitler, you will certainly see this obvious lie. A resigned, depressed and drug-ravaged man (and let Hooded Cobra not suggest that this is an "invention of modern propaganda", because from my own example I know well what people addicted to amphetamines look like) such as Adolf Hitler in these photos is the complete opposite of Magnum Opus.

I.e. theoretically, if his soul was quickly reincarnated and he was born somewhere where they had Thule control over him (and they also had to have spiritual knowledge, which they didn't have then), then THEORETICALLY he could have finished the Magnum Opus by now if he worked hard at it ..

But Hooded Cobra and these Priests in general keep suggesting that Hitler was super-evolved even as Chancellor! And that he fought Christianity, introduced Satanism, fought for spiritual development, etc. And what is the truth? Not only did he not fight Christianity{*}, but during his reign he participated in at least a few Christian masses (for example, in the symbolic funeral of Marshal Piłsudski) and, above all, he was a complete spiritual ignorant until the end of his days. Many accounts have been preserved that for example, he laughed and joked about the spiritual musings of Himmler, Rozenberg, and Hess (also Thule). And all these projects with an occult background, such as "The Bell", I could bet anything that Hitler had no idea about it.

{*Unlike Himmler, Heydrich and others from Thule, who acted on their own, using their political power and without consulting Hitler. Of course, I do not condemn this in any way, but the facts are that it is NOT Hitler..}

The truth about Hitler is that his soul, after committing suicide in the Berlin bunker (this alleged Hitler escape and CIA investigation is nonsense, as they even admitted on JoS) was captured by the enemy and annihilated, so there is no real Hitler anymore. And all their "Hitler told me this and that" are simply their lies and inventions. And although I won't be surprised if you don't believe this particular information, but if you are Satanists (because in this chapter I am addressing especially Satanists from JoS) and you understand spirituality at least a little, then just like for me, it is also alleged for you " Hitler's "Magnum Opus" should seem as absurd as a woman's virginity after natural childbirth.

Let's leave Hitler alone... As I write this paragraph, I am fresh from reading Hooded Cobra's response to Larissa's doubts and breakdown of faith. So are we finally winning or losing? {*} Let me tell you that personally I have been tired of this maneuvering by the Priests (especially Hooded Cobras) for a long time, that we almost won, oh great, and another time that we have to push with Final RTR, because the enemy is attacking again... Although, in general, this bipolar rhetoric of praise, our supposed "great successes..." and turning on the alert for these "difficult times" lasts even a little longer before this Final Ritual appeared.

 {*I just wanted to add a word about what Shanon wrote there. Of course, doing the Final RTR is something useful.  BUT.. Development (AND STRENGTHENING CONTACT WITH THE GODS) also counts, because, for example, Astarte told me that my one The ritual is like over a hundred done by a novice. So do it once, preferably every day (recent info: you don't have to do any rtr, if you humming Names of Gods, you load Their Sigils with your own sexual energy and you develop spiritually), and devote the rest of your free time to the Eightfold Path... (And don't waste it on debating with Hooded Cobra on a thousand different issues, most of them perhaps important, but not much what does this mean, apart from wasting your time on development...) Because actually it pissed me off - "Do the Final RTR many times a day, and the Kundalini Serpent will rise." –This is simply nonsense and I assure you that even if you do it ten times a day (which, if done correctly, would take a total of almost five hours, because one is about 25 minutes) every day, you WILL NOT RAISE YOUR SERPENT ON IT. And this argument makes me more and more convinced that the entire JoS clergy makes sure that you do not raise this Serpent and cannot find out the TRUTH that I present here. }

And just to Larissa and all those out there who have Nazi avatars, which I guess shows your sympathy for Nazism. -What would you say to the fact that if it weren't for this BETRAYAL and these proud great Priests a few years ago they would have told you that "With this Nazism, it wasn't really that great and Hitler is not our Antichrist at all...", THEN TODAY WE WOULD HAVE DOZENS OF TIMES MORE MEMBERS PARTICIPATING IN THE SPIRITUAL WAR AND THERE WOULD NOT EVEN BE THIS CORONAVIRUS, BECAUSE THE ENEMY WOULD HAVE ALREADY BE COMPLETELY DESTROYED AT THIS MOMENT???!!! You don't believe...? Ask Satan, or your Guardian Demon... As long as you don't ask Hooded Cobra, because he has often suggested that for him those who cannot swallow Nazism "are completely worthless." BUT I ASSURE YOU THAT SATAN AND HIS DEMONS HAVE A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT OPINION ON THIS TOPIC!!!

And I understand even if you do not believe in this betrayal (still addressing the members of JoS), but then, as Satanists supporting freethinking, you have a moral obligation to distribute this work so that together you can possibly refute my arguments and so that it can reach the Priests, so that they can refer to it, and especially answer the question:


Will they answer you again (as they did before) that:

”””Greetings to our Satanic Warriors (…)!



He's a Gibbson, a fucking pedophile, and what I'm writing is a worthless piece of nonsense - and the only thing that matters is the Final RTR, JoS' Ritual of Protection {*} and at least meditate a little there, because everything else is his delusion. He has no contact with Astarte and the Gods at all, because they have no time for fuckups like him. Satan himself appeared to me today and said that he is an enemy who wants to destroy our unity and the Satanic Family.






High Priest Hooded Cobra

Hail Satan!”


 {*For me, if you think that they deserve this ritual, keep doing it when it is included in their schedules, BUT PLEASE DON'T FORGET ABOUT SATAN (ESPECIALLY ON HIS FESTIVAL DAY), STRENGTHENING THE BOND WITH THE GODS AND YOUR OWN DEVELOPMENT SPIRITUAL IF YOU CALL YOURSELF SATANISTS!!! Moreover, this ritual is a kind of trap, because when the truth that I present here reaches you (JoS members), this ritual will be their spiritual protection against your wrath. Whether you like it or not, I assure you that they will pay for this betrayal. That they cannot get away with the fact that they CONSCIOUSLY and CALCULATINGLY make sure that you do not develop too much and that they hinder Satan and the Gods in their efforts to spread True Satanism, as not "Nazism" or "Hitler cult", but the Eightfold Path. Magic is no joke, so I suggest you Satanists just do your thing and leave them alone, and even allow yourself almost "Christian" forgiveness, because by hating them, you may accidentally get hit by what you yourself have built.}

And finally, to address the members of JoS, regarding the issue of my pedophilia... I realize that this is a very difficult topic, which is why I devoted a lot of time and space to it in my other works ( mydefenseeng.blogspot.com ). However, if you came across JoS, you should think more independently than most of humanity, with whom I tried to be gentle with them to explain the essence of this problem to them. That's why I will tell you this briefly and directly:

Of course, you can and must always condemn any violation of children's sexual integrity if you want to be on the side of Satan and Demons. But also if you want to be on their side, you MUST respect human nature. Human, that is, mine too. And I have always liked and will like most little girls with small builds and delicate features. For me, they are a living reflection of Divine Perfection. I have no intention of ever becoming like sexual predators, but I also have no intention of even trying to change it, much less cure myself of it. –Because I don't consider it any kind of perversion or disease, but simply my own sexual Nature and an indispensable part of my sexual identity. And if you are going to have any prejudice against me because of this, or you would like to try to change me, then as far as I'm concerned, YOU CAN FUCK OFF NOW TO THE ENEMY'S CAMP (WHO REALLY LIKES CREATING SEXUAL, RACIAL PREJUDICES, ETC.) TOGETHER WITH YOUR HIGH-PRIEST-NAZISMUS- MAXIMUS-COBRA-COMMANDER AT THE HEAD!!!

And finally, to everyone. By any chance, don't think that I want to replace these traitorous Priests... It's true that I once dreamed of this title, but those were still the times when I thought about them with reverence and adoration. Currently, with all due respect to Father Satan, but the very thought of any HP makes me sick... And besides, who I am is enough for me and I don't have to be anyone else to continue working for Satan, the Gods and the liberation of Humanity.

Greetings to all those who also work and, thanks to me, will work for us and our Common Victory!


Continuation and addition: [link]

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1. Foreword and Introduction

 Foreword Welcome. (((Sorry for my translations, I suppose they are far away from perfect, but..I believe it is clear enough to understand e...