poniedziałek, 29 stycznia 2024

9. The eightfold path for everyday life

9. The eightfold path for everyday life

To make it easier for you to set your own development program, I decided to present priority EFP exercises.

In the first place are breathing exercises (chapter 2) ex aequoz Hatha Yoga (chapter 6 ppk. a) and void meditation (chapter 5) and, of course, charging the Sigils of Demons with your own sexual energy and humming Their Names (previous chapter). If someone has little time (up to an hour a day), they should do at least the first four breathing exercises (in the order here) every day, and the basic asanas listed on JoS (I hope you'll handle with find the proper asans), alternating with some form of void meditation (preferably flame). In addition, it is worth including work on the chakras (chapter 3).

When it comes to practice for a Satanist, this is the priority: developing and building/strengthening relationships with our Gods. Of course, we must also act morally and try to promote this TRUE Satanism and its priorities as much as possible - in the face of the enemy's vile slander of us, as well as in the face of the "Nazi version" of Satanism, Satan and other Gods, created on ancient-forums.com.

I think it's best if you plan the rest of the aspects described here, according to your willingness and possibilities, using my tips. (And I think I helped a lot ) Satanism is also a lesson in independence. Princess Astarte Innana, of course, helps me in difficult moments and often guides me on the right track, but she doesn't tell me everything and doesn't give me ready-made solutions to every little problem. If it were so, I would not evolve properly, being dependent on Her all the time. If you have any doubts about something, I encourage you to study JoS.

As for additional issues...

It is important to clean your aura after some stressful/unpleasant situations (and possibly swearing and banishing rituals...). This is done by imagining light illuminating each chakra in turn. The way I do it is to go from top to bottom and then from bottom to top (c. basics twice in a row). I also use my breath and an external light source - the best for this is the Sun, but you can also use a powerful lamp, but not an LED one (I use a 50W halogen lamp - visualization without this help is very difficult at the beginner stage).


 Turning towards the Sun or this lamp, on the inhale visualize that the light enters your chakra, and on the exhale that it illuminates it. It's best to do it slowly, because if you rush, the whole point of this exercise will be lost. After these fourteen breaths, take nine more for the aura - in the same way, but visualize on the inhale that the light illuminates your entire being inside, and on the exhale, on the outside (that you shine like a light bulb...). Then you can "slide" the light over your soul three more times, as in the Ritual in the star bracket (only once after a time and without affirmations) and, still visualizing the aura and light body, vibrate RAUM three more times at the end. You can still greet Satan. Cleaning and building an aura is a separate matter. It's best to do this once a day, starting when the Moon waxes{*}.

{*This Ritual

It is best to do it in the sun, or under a lamp (but not an LED lamp and, of course, we do the entire Ritual with our eyes closed, possibly apart from the beginning, until you learn by heart the affirmations that I initially read from the sheet) and use a practice rosary for it.

a) Hum 9xRAUM, trying to feel this vibration throughout your interior, but with the main power near the diaphragm and visualizing the light inside (the RAUM vibration for the aura and light body should be done stronger and more intensely than for the Solar chakra (and without bandha ) ([here] you will find a recording of how))

b) Visualize a ball of light above you and 3x affirmation - "Light cleanses and removes all negative energies, thought forms and curses on or connected to my soul and sends them back to their senders", then on the exhale with the epiglottis slightly clogged (as in a cat's breath) you bring this ball down through your entire being and "sweep away" this astral dirt, collected by the light into a pile next to you (until you see it, imagination + faith + focus = success) - you repeat all this 3x, which in total gives 9 affirmations

c) You say: "With your help (Name and possibly Title of your Guardian Demon - for example, I say "Dear Princess Astarte"), I send this energetic filth back to the senders, destroying them with it!" –and with open hands you push this dirt (visualization/imagination...) far into space, as if you were bouncing a ball in a volleyball.

c) 9xRAUM (repeat a)

d) Visualize a bright white aura like the Sun and say the affirmation 18x - My powerful aura completely reflects all the bonds of hatred and destructive and negative energies directed at me, immediately sending them back straight to the senders, destroying them with them! (even if you don't have a powerful aura, it's good to affirm it like this...)

e) 18xRAUM (only this time unlike points a and c), you try to feel and visualize the light in your aura; the bigger and brighter it is, the better and it should have a closed structure - perfect, but don't expect miracles from yourself... Awareness and seeing the aura, the light body (the interior in a and c) and the chakras come only with time. (You can also do this RAUM vibrations between those 18 affirmations, as you prefer.)

f) Hail Satan (or Ave Satanas) Forever!

End of the Ritual}


 In my opinion, I should add here, just in case, IMPORTANT information that full-scale spiritual development is ABSOLUTELY NOT FOR CHILDREN! I.e. when your children are interested in what you do and want to try it, then Sun Salutation + Hatha Yoga + breathing meditation after the session and that's it. And don't force them, if they get bored, so be it. And if they are enthusiastic and eager, you can add Solar/Lunar to them when they are a dozen or so years old. But it is important for you to know that teaching children breathing exercises, or opening the soul/chakra work, or especially Kundalini Yoga, WOULD HAVE THE SAME EFFECT ON THEIR DEVELOPMENT AS SEXUAL HARASSMENT! (NO EARLIER THAN 16/18 YEARS!!!) Satanism is simply not the Catholic Church, which catches completely unconscious victims in its traps and then milks them until death and even a little after death... Here everyone is COMPLETELY CONSCIOUS AND VOLUNTARILY , and the Gods require INDEPENDENCE and RESPONSIBILITY from you. Therefore, real Satanic development is only for mature people.

Let me mention a few words about diet. All yoga and related teachings of current time recommend vegetarianism or even veganism. It may not be as harmful, but it is as stupid as sexual abstinence. If you want to live life to the fullest, you won't survive on greens. It is certainly also a lobby for various dietary supplements, because the lack of meat in the diet causes anemia and various other diseases. The most important thing is to fight for killing animals according with human morality; to liquidate these industrial "death factories", which are unfortunately full of them, and this callousness that supposedly "animals don't suffer this much". This is nonsense. But eating meat is definitely in our nature.

You can also do various things to strengthen your character, for "fortitude". For example, I use and personally recommend cold baths always after a shower and in winter and generally when it is cold - in a river or lake, etc. (of course, not in some sewage...). Something like this not only strengthens our will and endurance, but also develops the immune defense that Christianity and similar poisons try to destroy in us...

As for other matters, such as various Rituals, Ritual tools, celebrating Satanic Holidays, etc., I recommend studying JoS in depth. In Satanism, independence and creativity are important. I wrote this chapter to make it easier for you to enter the EFP, but I will not lead anyone along this Path.

Finally, I will remind everyone that in Satanism every developmental thing is recommended. It is worth strengthening and developing yourself in everything that interests you. Just to be better and better every day. Because development in any field is like kayaking against the current. When you stop rowing, you start going backwards...

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