6. Yoga
Yoga means unity. It's about unity with yourself;
about connecting all aspects of your being. Modern Yoga "teachings"
deliberately corrupt this concept, making it "one with the universe" (or
with the "absolute"). We, Satanists, act in unity against the enemies
of Humanity and Satan, but we remain separate and unique beings.
(sometimes we don't even like each other...) Yoga can be said to explore
all the secrets of the Eightfold Path, because various breathing
techniques and meditations are also part of Yoga. However, at this point
we will deal with what is generally understood by the concept of Yoga,
i.e. physical Yoga.
So I will divide this chapter into four subchapters:
6.1. Hatha Yoga
most important Hatha Yoga exercises are written on JoS
(unfortunately..TRAITOR Hooded Cobra.. I recommend the book "Yoga for
common ailments" I used to learn yoga - there you'll find all necessary
asanas) with links to the descriptions of these exercises, but you will
also find them in any Yoga textbooks. (There isn't much to spoil about
these exercises themselves; don't just look for sexual or dietary
"advice" there, etc.) In my opinion, it is a physical extension of the
void meditation technique. It is important during these exercises to be
relaxed and feel the flow of energy. If you bend too much, you will not
feel any energy, only pain, and the exercises themselves will become
These exercises are supposed to give a feeling of
power, peace and relaxation, and above all, they are supposed to make
energy flow freely in the body. You will understand this better when you
accumulate some of it during breathing exercises and feel a tingling
sensation during certain asanas. This is why Hatha Yoga is so important.
Such accumulated energy, trapped somewhere in the body, can lead to
madness or even kill.
On the other hand, if someone only
practices Hatha Yoga, what is the point of having a free flow of energy
in the body if this energy does not increase... If we compared the
Eightfold Path to an internal combustion engine, breathing exercises and
mantras are the fuel for development , while Yoga is the oil that
allows our engine to accelerate more and more. (meditations and
affirmations in this combination would be a catalyst giving the right
direction to this power)
6.2. Salutation to the Sun
It is a
simple set of exercises, something between Hatha and Kundalini Yoga. As
in the previous section, you can easily find a description of this
exercise on the Internet. I recommend doing this after each breathing
exercise/Yoga/meditation session before doing any Rituals, afirmations etc. Go from four repetitions to
two and up to twelve. Just like with other exercises, if you feel that
you have overdone it, go back a few steps - this is not athletics... I
will also add that in my opinion it is good to start this exercise with
the AUM mantra during the mudra of joined fingertips. (but not the whole
arms, because it is a supplication mudra and not good for development)
and the following inhalation is the bending of the arms back, starting
the proper part of this exercise.
6.3. Kundalini Yoga
you have a detailed description of these exercises. {*} (It is true
that there are many other Kundalini exercises, but these are the basis,
and once you are a little developed, you will often feel the need to
bend your spine in all possible directions. .) I will just add that you
have to be careful not to bend your spine too much during these
movements. This is important because this type of Yoga is dynamic,
unlike Hatha, and it is easier to strain something. So don't even try to
do 108 repetitions for the three exercises where this number is given.
At the beginning, 26 is ok. It is also good, after the final stage of
Sat-Nam, to do another 108 (or increase to 216) repetitions of
Sa-Ta-Na-Ma - with one continuous intonation, emphasizing the consonants
(they should be clearly marked, but not at all we do not drag out
consonants) and without prolonging the "a" too much (each "a" should be
clear, slightly drawn out, but short), in a similar rhythm to children's
rhyme countings. And it is best to try to feel this vibration around or
even under the base chakra. Only the sound must be NOT low, as with
LAUM (which I mention a little later), but a normal standard tone.
a minor note that personally I still don't know how to think "Sat" on
the inhale and "Nam" on the exhale and at the same time count up to 108
repetitions... If you somehow manage to do it, that's cool, but
personally I skip it is “Sat-Nam” thinking during this exercise.
Besides, in my opinion, it's better to rest longer in the fifth one
instead of the second one, but that's up to you if it's comfortable for
In general, I will say from myself that, in my opinion,
novices should skip this form of Yoga, unless someone has a lot of time
and enthusiasm... Likewise, if someone practices little (i.e. up to two
hours a day including everything), I think that it is Sun Saluting
(+Hatha Yoga), as such mini-Kundalini, is enough. (And breath exercises
of course) Kundalini is needed for advanced people because it is
necessary to raise the Kundalini Serpent.
If Hatha Yoga is a
physical extension of Energy Meditation, then Kundalini is analogously
an extension of breathing exercises, or rather breathing of fire,
although the breathing is not quite the same. These are dynamic
movements of the spine along with dynamic breathing coordinated with
these movements. This releases a lot of energy, so don't forget about
affirmation after such a session so as not to waste this energy.
Personally, I really like and highly recommend Kundalini Yoga, but I
know that life is sometimes a difficult art of choice. These exercises
take about 40 minutes, so if you have 2 hours a day or less, it is
better to spend this time on breathing exercises and Hatha Yoga, which
is the basis.
But if, without time for Kundalini, you are willing
to do something for Satan (and also for yourself - these are the MOST
POWERFUL existing mantras for spiritual development), then from
Kundalini Yoga itself you can chant versions of Satan's Names, i.e.
Sa-Ta-Na- He has, following the directions given above, S-A-T-A-N-A-S,
humming each letter in turn for a whole breath (i.e. 7 breaths in total
{*}) , and also SA-TAN in one breath in Latin pronunciation
(SSSAAA-TTTAAANNN) or English pronunciation (SSSAAYYY -TTTAAANNN), you
can hum the rosary, but rather the practice one and not 108 times, like
Sa-Ta-Na-Ma , because it would take much longer and I don't know if I
could do it in one go myself... Because when humming SA-TAN, you should
drag out each letter like in AUM. So each of these anagrams of Satan's
Name is hummed in a different way. (recordings [here])
this is the correct S, but there are three Sanskrit ways of humming S,
and this is the weakest one, where there is basically no vibration. The
second one is through the epiglottis, as with a cat's breath, but I
personally use it and recommend placing the tongue under the upper
teeth, so that a piece sticks out beyond your first teeth and does not
touch them, but to feel a vibration between these teeth and the tongue
(like a "weak z"). ), which I also recommend for all S in the mantras of
the Planetary Squares and for humming the Names of our other Gods,
which also contain S, such as A-S-TARTE, HAURE-S, S-ABNOCK... This is
undoubtedly the MOST POWERFUL way of humming S. With SA- TAN, also
highly recommended, but with Sa-Ta-Na-Ma in the right way of humming it
is impossible to hum like that. There you have to put your tongue firmly
against your teeth and hiss "S" for Snake.}
6.4. Calisthenics
it is NOT any form of Yoga. However, as I wrote at the beginning of
this chapter, I include this purely physical direction of development as
a very important complement to spiritual development.
To better
understand what I mean, I recommend reading Paul Wade's book "Convict
conditioning". This is a description of the exercise program of the
author who perfected this technique while sitting in an American prison,
but in no way is it a book promoting prison life or being "outside the
law..." etc. These are exercises using your body weight, which is why
they are common they are only in prisons, because in most such places in
the world, training with weight is banned.
Combining the
knowledge acquired by following the Left Hand Path and the
above-mentioned book, I came to the conclusion that gym exercises were
created to deliberately damage the physical development of humanity,
like programs called "religions" to damage the spirit. It would be
impossible to convince people that their strength will increase if they
lie on a deckchair, just like they tell us about the "spirituality" of,
for example, Christianity. But popular exercises at the gym not only
develop unevenly; only individual muscle groups, they also destroy
joints, cause problems with free movement (e.g. the biceps of some such
"strongmen" prevent them from holding the phone to their ear) and also
create a lot of other health problems (also thanks to various dietary
supplements that the gym indirectly promotes).
Calisthenics, on
the other hand, develops the entire body evenly and strengthens the
joints thanks to a program of gently, slowly and sustainably increasing
the difficulty of exercises, and improves body flexibility (unlike the
gym). These exercises start with very easy ones (for example, wall
push-ups), which is necessary to strengthen the joints in parallel.
is no need for me to summarize here what is in this book. I will only
write that in my opinion it is better to go even more gradually upwards
than in this book; so if you start with 10 repetitions in one set, it's
better to go up two or even one repetition every week than to go
straight to 2x25.
At first it may seem ridiculously easy, but
gradually as you go up, you will understand that it makes [BIG] sense.
Personally, I recommend three such series a day (all five types of
exercises at the same time, 10 repetitions + 1/week ~ several weeks),
each at least an hour apart, on Saturday only one in the morning (or
none) and on Sunday to take a break from all physical exercises
(spiritual exercises should be done everyday). In my opinion, it is best
to build physical strength slowly and gradually, just like spiritual
strength, to bring it to perfection.
I will add something like a
punchline here. If you want to treat strength development as recreation,
then a gym or fitness center is definitely for you. However, if you
want to be really strong and at the same time quite healthy and fit, in
my opinion ONLY calisthenics is a reasonable solution..
A good
endurance supplement to calisthenics is running from time to time, or
cycling (2-4 times a week, depending on the severity of your
marathon...). Because it is also important to strengthen your fitness
(preferably without damaging yourself), which calisthenics alone does
not provide much.
arts are also a great complement to spiritual development. However,
when it comes to people with little athletic development and who are
already quite mature, in my opinion boxing or full contact karate, as
well as all other "competitive" martial arts, are dangerous to health. I
would recommend something like Tai Chi or possibly Aikido. Of course,
all martial arts, especially Eastern ones, are perfectly fine, but in my
opinion it is better to first achieve significant successes in
calisthenics before you start doing such things. Because if someone is
over twenty years old and without any previous experience in this field
takes up competitive training of any physical sport, there is basically a
100% chance of later health consequences, mainly in the form of
rheumatic pain in the joints, but you can also, for example, damage
yourself heart..
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