3. Working with the chakras
(more information useful for working with chakras can be found in the "Image Meditation" chapter)
third eye and the sixth chakra open (activate) ONLY ONCE. There is no
written number of repetitions of the THOTH mantra, so I did it 108 times
(with a standard Satanic rosary - do it the same way as the "practice"
ones - you just need more materials) during these four days and then
meditated on the effect for a few minutes ( then you have to give the
third one a rest for a few days). Open the rest of the chakras from top
to bottom every third/fourth day in the manner indicated in the section
on opening the soul (JoS - unfortuantely I have only polish version and
this TRAITOR Hooded Cobra removed the whole valuable spiritual knowledge
from his ancient-forums.com, and I hate and I have no health to
translate everything.. sorry, maybe if someone start to help me some
way(...) I am only one for now and whole the time..) immediately after
the breathing exercises (activate the third one in a completely separate
It is best to adjust this to the planetary hours{*}
corresponding to the given chakras. It's also best to keep a separate
notebook for this, where you write down the hours that interest you on a
given day - I planned it for 10-13 days, you also write down Rituals,
Holidays, etc. - At least until you deal with the Planetary Squares (now
I write down everything important on these daily " squares"), but only
when you activate all the chakras so that you can feel them. Once you
open them, you can proceed to chakra meditation. To start with, I
recommend doing a given chakra once a day (once it is open/activated)
every week on its day and time. For example, the crown on Thursday at
the hour of Jupiter. You can gradually increase it, but I DON'T
RECOMMEND TO OVERDO IT! You may think that everything is O.K., and when
your over-stimulated chakras make themselves known, it will be too
{*I suggest downloading the Chronos XP program to
calculate planetary hours. It is very precise, but you need to properly
set the location and time zone. If you have set it correctly, you will
see that the first hour of the day should start exactly at the moment of
sunrise in your area. When, over time, you come up with ideas to fit
your exercises in between hours (when, for example, the daily winter
hour is too short for the entire session, remember that a given planet
is strongest in the middle of its hour - not at the beginning, as with
the zodiacs (information from Princess Astarte Innana). And if you need
to mix things up - the benefics of Venus and Jupiter can be done
interchangeably. The same with malefics; Mars and Saturn. The Sun and
the Moon strengthen the given influences, being neither benefics nor
malefics in themselves (the Sun is stronger during the day, and the Moon
during the night; they strengthen slightly differently because they
correspond to different energies and elements. The Sun can strengthen
all chakras, especially the lower ones, and the Moon is better to
strengthen the upper ones). Therefore, for example, the sacral chakra
can be done on Tuesday during the Sun hour. , or on Sunday during the
hour of Mars, and the throat chakra can be on Friday during the hour of
the Moon, etc. Mercury is neither a benefic nor a malefic, but apart
from working on the heart chakra, it weakens planetary influences (which
is also sometimes useful; Besides, Mercury has its other strengths...).
time, when your chakras become stronger and you become more and more
aware of them, you can try various meditations on JoS (again the same as
before), and as you develop, move on to learning Satanic magic (with
your Demonic Guardians/Lovers).
And one more tip regarding
Planetary Squares{*} (at least a year of development is required and
learning to communicate with the Guardian Demon, for example through
Tarot cards - this is important because sometimes you may not be sure
whether a given mantra repetition sounded correctly...), because with
due to Maxine's mistake, there was confusion about this.. Venus Square
(7x7 Aum-Dram-Drim-Draum—Sau-Shukraya-Nama) is working on the throat
chakra -Visuddi, and Mercury Square (8x8 Aum-Bram-Brim-Braum—
Sau-Buddaya-Nama) is work on the heart chakra -Anahata. Certainly and
without a shadow of a doubt!!!
{*Zip file with correct humming, also THOTH [here]}
poniedziałek, 29 stycznia 2024
3. Working with the chakras
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1. Foreword and Introduction
Foreword Welcome. (((Sorry for my translations, I suppose they are far away from perfect, but..I believe it is clear enough to understand e...
3. Working with the chakras (more information useful for working with chakras can be found in the "Image Meditation" chapter) The...
10. Important information regarding the High Priests of Joy of Satan /Just an alert for anyone unrelated to this topic and hearing about Jo...
Foreword Welcome. (((Sorry for my translations, I suppose they are far away from perfect, but..I believe it is clear enough to understand e...
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